Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Right Question.

It's been awhile since I have written anything. I've been fairly busy at the church and haven't felt especially compelled to write anything recently, until tonight. Before I get into the reason that I wanted to write let me fill you in on the past couple of weeks.

In the first part of the month I spent four long days roofing a house for a lady that goes to Crossroads. This lady could not afford to put a roof on her house and it was in dire need of one. So Crossroads put a crew together and we went to work. It was a bit frustrating at times, but overall it was a good experience. I got to know a couple more people that go to Crossroads and really put into practice what I heard the boys in Maine talk about. I got to use a service to build relationships and build relationships I did. I am now on a first name basis with at least four more people than I was before doing the roof. So I feel good about about. After that I worked in the office doing varies different things. I wrote three weeks worth of devotionals that go along with the sermon for the week and are posted on I put together demographic information for Defiance. I researched marriage and the effects of cohabitation on marriage and put together a brief document that explains why cohabitation (living together before marriage) is a bad idea from a social science and biblical perspective. I have also spent some time doing some carpentry for my mom, playing volleyball, golfing, reading, palying guitar, riding my motorcycle and hanging out with friends.

Now on to what I wanted to share. I have spent a lot of quality time with Matt Boyers (the head pastor of Crossroads) over the past month and it has been really great. He said something the other day that kind of struck me about prayer. He said something to the effect of "prayer is not so much asking for things from God out of our own desires but rather it is learning to speak His heart." I thought about that for a while. Most times I ask for things that I want and I desire and it is not that often that I really stop to see if what I'm asking for is what God wants. Recently I've been asking the question why a lot and I realized that this is the wrong question. God's ways are way beyond our understanding so even if He would choose to answer the why question we probably wouldn't be able to understand it, which we leave us only with more questions. The question we should be asking God is not why, but rather what. What can I learn from this situation God? What are you trying to teach me? This is the right question. What changes your attitude from resentment and doubt to eager expectation. Why questions God and His heart. What places trust in God and His heart for you and your life.

In Isaiah 65 The Lord says "I was ready to respond, but no one asked for help. I was ready to be found, but no one was looking for me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am!’to a nation that did not call on my name." The question why does not require action it just leaves you with more questions. God is waiting eagerly for us to ask Him the right question, what? What now Lord? What would you have me do here? What are You asking from me? What can I learn from this situation? What requires an answer along with a response from us. When we ask the right questions, when we inquire of the Lord Zephaniah tells us that "The Lord your God is with you, He is might to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Are you asking the right question?

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, the old learning to ask what instead of why...absolutely priceless. That lesson will serve you well for the rest of life and minsitry my friend. I can't imagine ministry without you.
    Oh...I met Willie and Steve at Convention this weekend. Hope Colorado is good.
